"Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land."
"Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land."
Mark 4:1

To engage and lead people of all ages to worship Jesus Christ on the beach and on the water, and inspire them for service to others in a faithful local church.
Virginia Beach Boat Church is a nondenomenational outreach ministry that members of the Virginia Beach community have created to spread the Gospel in a unique way that will reach those who may not usually be church goers. We welcome all denominations, and we want to provide a Christ-centered experience for anyone who chooses to come to our services. We partner with several local churches such as Trinity Church, Big House Church, and Beach Fellowship, who graciously provide pastors and musical worship leaders for each of our services. Our ultimate hope is to introduce non-believers to Christ, and to help new Christians get plugged in with local churches so that they can continue their walk with the Lord throughout the year.
We believe that God gave us His word so that we may be able to know Him better, so that we have a resource to help guide us to the Truth.
We believe that through prayer, we directly communicate with God, and that there is no prayer too small or too large to come to Him with.
We believe that God has a plan for everyone, and that though sin may take you away from His plan, He will always welcome you again with open arms and guide you when you have an open heart.
We believe that God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life through and with Him.
We believe that it is important for Christians to support other Christians, regardless of doctrinal or denominational differences.
We believe in making sacramental acts of worship, communion, baptism, and healing prayer part of our worship throughout the year.
We believe that Christians should be a light in this broken world, and that we should let the glory of the Lord shine through us in humility and good deeds.
We believe that Churches should help to strengthen our faith, as well as strengthen the communities around us and across the world.
We believe that we should support our Churches in their missions to spread the gospel both at home and abroad.
We believe in the Holy Trinity, that the one God exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Dear Friends,
It is time for you to mark your calendar! Virginia Beach Boat Church will have its 2021 kickoff this year on May 30, 2021 at the Narrows at First Landing State Park (the same location as last year)! We are delighted to let you know that our special guest, nationally recognized Christian artist Josh Wilson, from Nashville TN, will join us for our worship service at 10am and for extended musical worship at 11am.
The purpose of this ministry is to take the church where many people already are located on Sunday morning – on the water. We saw so many who were blessed by this ministry last year: people who made decisions to follow Christ, marriages healed, multiple baptisms, broken relationships restored, and many other blessings. We humbly ask for your prayers that the Lord will continue to bless our community through Boat Church this year!
We deeply appreciate all those who supported Boat Church through both prayers and financial contributions last year. If you feel led to contribute again this year, Virginia Beach Boat Church is a 501(c)3 Organization, and contributions are tax deductible. Donations are always appreciated as they help to cover expenses for equipment, musicians and special musical guests, technical support and administrative costs, and community donations. If you would like to donate by check, please mail it to the address below or you may give directly on our website. If you would like to volunteer in any way in 2021, there is also a link on our website.
We look forward to worshipping on the water (and beach) with you in just a few short weeks!
Thank you so much,
God Bless You,
Cheryl P. McLeskey
Chairwoman, Board of Advisors